I'm a software engineer based in Ontario, CA specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional websites, applications, and everything in between.
PowerBI | PHP | SQL | JavaScript | Oracle | Jquery | Agile | CLI | Test Studio | C++
Lead to 16% increase in click rates
Increased sales upto $45k
Automation tool - Reduced manual labour upto 93%
Featured Projects
Python & Flask
A website to incorporate Machine learning project in which we approach to solve computational Geometry Algorithm Problems like Convex Hull, Geodesic Path
MySQL & Php
Implemention of a Virtual Society for Mental Health - University of Windsor
Sorting Visualizer
React Js
Implemented a visualization of different sorting algorithms like Heap, Merge, Quick and Bubble Sort by using React JS
Click n Ship
Django & SQL
Collaborated with cross-functional peers to build a full stack web application where end users can buy and sell products by incorporating two databases(products and users) using Python and SQL, resulting in 45% more back-end efficiency
Winhacks 2021 - Our team has been awarded the first prize in the Challenge.
COVID Simulation
Simulation of the spread of Covid 19 using a simple covid simulation tool and Netlogo. The tool can help facilitate more effective and faster-paced decision-making, leading to positive impacts on the evolution of COVID-19.
Open Data Toolkit
Java & MySQL
This tool can help governments and private agencies to make thier own open data websites using high level API.
Daljeet Art Store
Complete Ecommerce Store where users can buy Art Products using HTML5 and CSS3.
Oceania Inn Website
Built this complete website for client in the Summer 2020 by using PHP, JavaScript, and SQL.